Judge Blackstone
This is perhaps the most high-profile case in which you had to issue a verdict in all the time of judging. Journalists of local newspapers are just waiting for your decision. The investigation is slow, Scotland Yard is tinkering with the case and seems to be at an impasse.

When you learned that the detective decided to arrange a séance, you got the idea to join him. From the session, you can get the most informal information. Perhaps something in the behavior of the participants will tell you the right decision. You have little confidence in the words of people and evidence. But to their own many years of experience and intuition - much more.

Now that everyone who is somehow connected with this case has gathered at the same table, try to be as attentive as possible and understand who had the motive and opportunity to commit this crime and how it happened. Watch the reaction of the session participants, try to talk them.

You should get as much information out of this session as possible, so keep an eye on the session and help the detective choose questions that will reveal more about what happened. Help the detective, his job is to choose questions for the spirit. It is he who finally decides which of the proposed questions to ask the medium. But it is up to you to pronounce a verdict on the guilty at the trial, and your word will be the last in this case.


1. Chris Whorf has a motive: after the death of Lord Cornwell, he becomes the sole manager of a trading company. However, Lord Conwell's share will be inherited by his descendants. In addition, Chris often visited the lord and knew the house well. Chris was detained by the police at the office the same day.

2. Jacques Labor on the day of the murder, he was arrested just outside the Cornwell house shortly after the incident. He is an active participant in the socialist movement, has long been fighting against the hated transnational companies that exploit the already impoverished colonies. He was repeatedly detained during protest rallies in the city.

3. Henry, a servant of Lord Cornwell, had access to the Lord's study, was always present at home and knew all the master's secrets. In addition, Henry was the first to be in the lord's room after the murder. The motive that would have prompted the servant to do this is not entirely clear, however, this suspect should not be discounted.

4. The killer entered the house without breaking the door. Either he had the keys to the house, or he was let in. Theoretically, he could have climbed in through the window.

5. There were signs of a struggle in the room. Obviously no one heard the sounds of a struggle. Perhaps the killer is inexperienced and tried to imitate the lord's suicide. Death came from a fall.

6. There is a will of Lord Cornwell, but, unfortunately, it cannot be viewed now: the notary refuses to hand it over to the police, since the lord bequeathed to make it public exactly one month after his death.

7. Barrett, an expert on spiritualism, is present at the session. His mission is to monitor the progress of the session and make sure that this is not some low-level fraud. I wonder what he will say about the activities of Poitiers? Isn't Barret himself a fraud? After all, in order to understand spiritualistic seances, one must admit that communication with spirits is really possible. Will you personally believe the "words of the spirits"? You decide.

Your aim:
1. Solve the crime. Understand who is responsible for the death of the lord and what is the motive for the crime
2. Do not make a mistake when making a verdict
List of Questions to
Lord Cornwell's Spirit
What is the motive for the crime?
Was there a quarrel in the office?
For whose benefit is the current Testament made?
How did the killer get into your room?
Who had the keys to the house?
How did the criminal leave the premises?
Did you know the killer?
Where is the criminal now?
Where are you now?