Sergeant Kicker
the detective assistant
You have recently started working at Scotland Yard, and this is your first job as a detective's assistant. The investigation has reached a dead-end, and as such the police have resorted to the "unconventional method" of conducting a séance. Your primary task is to identify the murderer of Lord Cornwall, but you also have a secondary, more personal aim. You are stay for long on the sidelines at Scotland Yard, so you need to show how intelligent and eager you are to your chiefs. To do this, you need to solve the crime before Detective Miles does, or at least give him/her significant assistance in the investigation. ambitious person who does not want to Try to push Miles into the background.

Actively participate in discussions and offer your own version of events, insisting on the rightness of your analysis. Here is the information that the police have so far managed to gather (Miles also knows everything listed here, there is no 'hidden' information to which Miles is privilege):

Chris Wharf has a motive: following the death of Lord Cornwall, Chris has found himself as the exclusive manager of a large trading company and able to make all of the decisions in the company himself. Lord Cornwall's inheritance will go to one of his descendants. Additionally it should be noted that Chris had often been a guest of the Lord and knew Cornwall's house very well. Chris was arrested by the police at the offices of his company on the same day as the murder. The second suspect, Jacques Labor, has often been seen hanging around the house of the deceased Lord. On the day of the murder, he was arrested just outside Cornwall's home shortly after the incident. Cornwall's servant, Henry, supplied information that Jacques had at times been inside the house, perhaps as a guest of Lord Cornwall's son or daughter. In addition, Jacques is an active agitator in the socialist movement, and for a long time he has been fighting against the multinational companies that, according to him, are exploiting the poor colonies. Jacques has a history of being arrested during protests in the city. Finally, there is Henry, Lord Cornwall's butler. Henry had round-the-clock access to Cornwall's study, was always at home, and knew all of his master's secrets. It was Henry who was first to appear in the Lord's room after the murder. The motive that would have driven the servant to kill his master is not clear to you, though that does not mean Henry can be removed as a suspect from your list. He should not be discounted.

The murderer got into the house without breaking through any doors. Either the murderer had keys to the house, or someone let the killer in. Theoretically, the culprit could have climbed through a window, but this is a four-storeyed house, and Cornwall's study is on the top floor, so it would have been very difficult

Signs of a struggle were found in the room, with clear indications that the murderer was very inexperienced, having tried to make the fall that caused the death look like a suicide. Lord Cornwall's last will and testament does exist, but unfortunately it cannot be consulted for clues, as Cornwall commanded that it only be read exactly one month after his death. The lawyer refuses to give it to the police, citing the laws of England. You have invited Barett, an expert on spiritualism, to join the séance in order to monitor the progress of the séance and make sure that this meeting is not a cheap fraud. However, you personally are inclined to trust the medium and the assistant, the fame of which has been spreading all over Europe.

Your aim:
Solve the crime, as far as possible, before Miles, and ensure that you play a crucial and key role in the investigation.
List of Questions to
Lord Cornwell's Spirit
What is the motive for the crime?
Was there a quarrel in the office?
For whose benefit is the current Testament made?
How did the killer get into your room?
Who had the keys to the house?
How did the criminal leave the premises?
Did you know the killer?
Where is the criminal now?
Where are you now?